LDS Ideas

 Gold Plates Game

I have had this small set of "Gold Plates" for about 12 years.  While living in Arizona every member of the ward was was given one.  I have used them over and over again in Family Home Evening, and primary lessons whenever we are talking about Joseph Smith and the gold plates.  This game has always been a hit.  The "plates" are simply a small wooden block approximately 1 1/2" x 1 1/2 " square, and 3/4" to 7/8" thick, with three holes drilled on one end and 3 rings of wire secured in the holes.  Sand the block to remove any rough edges and prevent slivers.  The block and wires have been spray painted gold.

To play, have one child leave the room and another child hide the "Plates" in plain site, not completely covered up under something.   When you bring the child back into the room everyone else says hot or cold to give clues as what part of the room needs to be searched.  Once the "plates" are found, select 2 more players who have not had turns.  I play this with a group until everyone has had a turn to both hide and find.  A variation that is to have the group hum or sing a church song, getting louder or softer to direct the player searching.


These lesson ideas are from Primary 5 D&C ages 8-11 lesson 34.  You could also use these ideas for Family Home Evening, Activity Days or the part with the examples of combing your hair without bending your elbow on baptism for the dead with Young Women.  Tie the parts in where they are related in other lessons.   We started by reading John 3:5.  Then we did a mini review from lesson 23 on the Three Degrees of Glory where we made Family Home Evening lessons.   

Here's the FHE lesson:  Using three standard envelopes approximately 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" either moisten and seal the tops of the envelopes together (this is easier) or slightly tuck each envelope inside of the other seal the envelopes to the back of one another.  Label each envelope.  Use clip art, stickers, or drawings to illustrate each degree and add the label for each degree.  The text has been taken from lesson 23, just organized a little differently and the scriptures.  Label the back of the envelope holder Three Degrees of Glory.  I reviewed the Celestial part of this lesson because baptism is necessary to enter the Celestial Kingdom.

 Then we talked about how once we are baptized that is not the end (2 Nephi31:19-20).  We need to stay focused on good, making wise choices and not being distracted by all the things around us.  I shredded some plain paper and put it on top of colorful paperclips.  The girls used a magnet to search for the "good" useful things.  Once they located a clip they put it on a handout with quotes and some of the Articles of Faith.  I clipped the corner with scrapbook scissors to make it more interesting.  You could also print them on colored paper.

We finished up with Salvation or Baptism for the Dead.  Everyone needs to be baptized to enter the Celestial Kingdom.  If that did not happen on earth then someone needs to do it vicariously for those who have passed on.  I handed out new combs to each of the girls.  Then I asked them to comb their hair without bending their elbows.  They realized that could comb the hair of someone else, but not their own.  We discussed how important it is to be worthy to go the Temple and serve others there.  They enjoyed this example, it really helped them understand the concept.  The girls kept their combs.

 Articles of Faith Activities

I put these activities together for Primary 5 D&C ages 8-11 lesson 36, but you could use them for family home evening, activity days, or sharing time.  I printed page 209 from the manual and cut the cards apart.  I am putting the girls in 3 groups (you could have smaller or larger groups, or even individuals).  They need to match the number, the illustration and the key word for each Article of Faith.  You could also print these on colored paper.  Make some extra copies for everyone to take to  memorize the Articles of Faith.

I also printed the list on page 206 of the manual linked above and cut it apart, giving each girl a sentence without the number clue.  Then I'll ask asked the girls to read it and state which article of Faith it represents.  If they don't know they can call on someone to help them.

My final activity to go along with the lesson is a Bingo game for the 13th Article of Faith.  You could use the blank Market-It game card and markers from Party Mark-It. (See the Activities page in this blog.)  You could also use the version I made.  Don't forget paper, buttons, or candy markers.  Print copies for all players (colored paper makes it more fun).  Just read through the 13th Article of Faith and players mark off each word as they hear it.

Of course there are small candy prizes for all of the games as I am trying to encourage the girls to memorize the Articles of Faith.

Stand in Holy Places Mini Shoe

Stand in holy places is the Youth theme for 2013.  Here is a shoe that you can use as a handout for activities or lessons.  It could also be used for Family Home Evening lessons.  I used it with the Primary 5 manual, lesson 30 for girls 10-11 and those 12 who only come for the lesson, then go to YW.  It has “stand in holy places” as part of the lesson.  The girls made their own shoes.  Then we filled the shoe with Smarties candy, because it is wise or smart to keep yourself in holy places.  See our Mini Shoe Gift Package for complete instructions.

Mark-It David & Goliath

Mark-It is a fun game for large group parties, such as a classroom party.   This is a version I used for my Primary class when we were studying David and Goliath.  The girls had a lot of fun.

Download or printout the David & Goliath Mark-It game

Be An Example -  Be A Light

I was teaching a lesson on being a good example.  I decided to include a handout reminder with a tea light.

We read several scriptures including: 

Matthew 5:14-16

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

I took the last verse and reduced it to 8 point type and added it to a battery powered tea light to make it safe for my 10-11 year old girl’s class.  It would also work well for Young Women.

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